Friday 29 May 2015

Printmaking Finals and Tests

Here is a collection of some of my prints from this semester. There are a few test prints as well as my finals for both halves of the semester. Assignment 1 was to make 3 prints the dealt with either cotton, wood, or oil in its natural habitat. One print needed to be image based, one texture based, and one needed text. I chose wood and decided to use the cross section of the Ponga (or silver tree fern) as my subject matter. My prints were woodcuts with mono print backgrounds. My texture print represented the Ponga when alive, my Image represented the Ponga dead, And my text print represents the Ponga's rebirth or the spores creating new life. 

In assignment 2 we had to use the material we chose, wood for me, and make three prints based on how humans have interacted with this material. I decided to have a transportation theme to tie my prints together. For my image print i chose to do a drypoint of a ship, for my texture I focused at the textures of a weathered railroad bridge, and for my text I chose to make a penny farthing. The whip was printed in a long rectangle to represent that ships were exploring vast uncharted territories. The Railroad was a taller narrower rectangle showing that it still explored vast open land but that all of it was charted. And the penny farthing is square because it mostly was used for relatively short distances and in well developed areas. The three shapes though different are equal in area. They are also displayed in chronological order. There are some color tests and then below those are my final three prints. 

Feather Print Test

Feather Print Test #2

Assignment 1 Final Prints (Texture, Image, Text)

Color Fade Test Print Ship

Color Fade Test Print Railroad

Color Fade Test Print Penny Farthing

Ghost Print Background Test Print

Assignment 2 Final Image Print

Assignment 2 Final Texture Print

Assignment 2 Final Text Print

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